So you're interested in joining MC111. Let me tell you a few things that you'll need.
Now, there's a few things to prepare before you blast of into the world of MC111. Here's a list of the things that you would definitely need:
1. Laptop - with a core processor of at least i5 and 8GB RAM
Since this course requires the usage of multiple software, it's good to have a fast processor.
Any recommendation? Just choose a laptop with good specs and you're good to go.
2. DSLR camera
This is a definite requirement for Semester 2 as there's a photography subject and will also be needed for semesters to come.
Any brand of DSLR camera would do as long as there's a manual setting; instead of buying you could also borrow one it doesn't matter as long as you have one.
3. Softwares
Adobe Full Pack (CS5.5 or above)
Audacity (Audio editor)
Construct 2 (Gaming software)
First Person Shooter
Do ask around on where to obtain these softwares. You could also ask the MC111 seniors.
4. Anti-Virus software
You might be thinking oh I have one, but look again. Is it a free anti-virus software? Is it strong enough? Is it effective? Most free anti-virus software are just basic and doesn't really work well. It's better to buy a good one. (I used Kaspersky)
Wanna know how my Masscomm UiTM interview went? Read up on MC111 UiTM : Interview for UiTM Masscomm MC111 Diploma in New Media Communication and Contentpreneurship.
(Credits to southernbroadcast for the header image)
To prepare you guys mentally, I'll show you some videos of some of the projects I did in Semester 1 . But do note that this was done in 2015, you might do something different😅;